Celsius said on the X platform that it had sent a notice to the court regarding the data security incident reported by Stretto, Celsius' claims agent.
According to the court documents it shared, on April 17, 2024, Stretto discovered that certain Celsius creditor data held by Stretto was accessed by unauthorized users after a phishing attack. Stretto terminated all unauthorized access to the affected accounts on the same day. Stretto has hired an independent computer forensics company to conduct an investigation to determine the severity of this data security incident. The investigation is still ongoing, but as of now, Stretto has determined that the information accessed includes creditor names, email addresses, mailing addresses, and claim amounts.
In addition, less than 40 creditors who had provided Stretto with their tax identification numbers were also accessed. Based on the current investigation, the data security incident does not appear to have affected Stretto's systems related to distributions under the plan, or the data provided to Stretto by Celsius in the bankruptcy proceedings. Stretto's independent investigation is still ongoing and further updates will be provided as the facts allow.
Celsius debtors issued a statement regarding the data security incident, saying: "Given Stretto's role in the distribution process under this plan, out of an abundance of caution, the debtors have temporarily suspended distributions to creditors under this plan after it comes into effect. We hope to confirm the main findings next week so that we can resume distributions under the plan as soon as it is safe and secure. For affected creditors, Stretto recommends that they pay close attention to their accounts and transactions, and if they find any unusual or suspicious activity, please contact Stretto or relevant law enforcement agencies immediately."