According to Odaily, Mobox is set to launch its new game, Dragonverse Neo, today. The snapshot of the MDBL pledge mining situation will be taken at 16:00 Beijing time. The top 500 users in terms of pledge volume at the time of the snapshot will be able to participate in the first phase of the game's gold strike. As of the time of the news flash, the blockchain browser showed that the pledge volume of the 500th user was over 13,000 MDBL, equivalent to about 160 US dollars.
Dragonverse Neo is an open-world game created by the OG team at Mobox on the Merlin Chain. This test will open two parallel worlds and more than 20 dragon habitats. Players can experience pet development and PVP combat, as well as find and capture dragons to increase their game scores and share in the substantial gold strike earnings.
Please note that there is a delay in the blockchain browser capturing chain data, so it is recommended not to pledge on the line.