On July 10, Bitget released its second quarter transparency report. In the second quarter, Bitget's spot trading volume increased by more than 10%, from $28 billion in the first quarter to $32 billion in the second quarter. According to Bitget's Proof of Reserve (PoR) page, in the first half of this year, the platform's users' BTC, USDT, and ETH capital increased by 73%, 80%, and 153%, respectively. In addition, the monthly visits in May and June exceeded 30 million, an increase of more than 50% over the first quarter. With the growth of this data, a total of 2.9 million new registered users were added in the second quarter.
In the second quarter, Bitget received a total of 267 product suggestions and feedback from users, of which 180 were optimized and upgraded after research and evaluation, covering chatbots, front-ends, back-ends and other fields. In terms of user services, a total of 672,590 users were consulted in the first half of the year, with an average response time of 3 minutes.
In the second quarter, Bitget launched Poolx (staking mining) and the innovative product "pre-market trading", launching 65 and 35 projects respectively, to further meet the diversified trading needs of users.