Bitget released its third quarter transparency report. The report shows that Bitget has more than 45 million registered users, a 400% increase from last year. According to CCData report data, Bitget's market share has risen to 11%, making it the fourth largest crypto exchange in the world in terms of trading volume.
In the third quarter, Bitget launched 12 popular tokens including CATI, MOCA, HMSTR, DOGS and ZKL in pre-market trading, attracting 53,800 early traders and a cumulative trading volume of US$23 million. At the same time, Bitget's PoolX product participants exceeded 94,805, and the staking amount increased by 100% from the second quarter, with a total staking amount of US$2.3 billion. Popular staking pools include BGB, BTC, ETH and USDT.
In addition, Bitget announced during the Token2049 event that it has become an official partner of the Spanish Football League (LALIGA). Subsequently, it and Foresight Ventures jointly announced a strategic investment of US$30 million in TON to further promote the development of the TON ecosystem.