Telegram ecosystem application Tomarket announced that the total number of users on its platform has exceeded 50 million, making it one of the top three Telegram Mini Apps. In addition, the official also stated that the listing of tokens will be opened on December 20. Before the listing, a round of airdrop activities will be carried out, allocating 30% of the total tokens to TOMA to reward users who actively participate in platform activities before the listing. According to the official announcement, the minimum threshold for this airdrop is Silver I level, and all users who reach this level and above can participate. The airdrop amount will be allocated based on the user's level, taking into account the participation in blind boxes, sign-in and other activities.
Tomarket is a new Web3 asset platform based on the Telegram ecosystem. It has previously received investment from Bitget Wallet and Foresight X. It is committed to attracting more Web2 users to understand and enter the Web3 world through products and services such as Games, Earns and transactions.