Regarding the news that an overseas crypto KOL published an article claiming that "famous top 100 DJ and NFT collector Steve Aoki spent 37.95 ETH to buy a Pudgy Penguins NFT today", Odaily Planet Daily verified that the information was false and might have been photoshopped. Combined with user messages in the comment area, Odaily Planet Daily finally confirmed that Steven Aoki spent 1.18ETH to buy Pudgy Penguins#6014 on February 17, 2022. At that time, it was worth only US$3701.64. Its address was 0xe4bBCbFf51e61D0D95FcC5016609aC8354B177C4. Later, on May 10 this year, the NFT was transferred to his personal vault wallet; currently, the floor price of Pudgy Penguins NFT is 35.8 ETH, about US$143,800, an increase of 30.3 times in ETH terms; an increase of 38.88 times in US dollars.