Cardano founder Charles Hoskinson said that in the 10 years of contributing to the ecosystem, he has never strayed from the original roadmap. With the launch of the Chang hard fork upgrade, Cardano is now controlled by community members. With this, he confirmed that his final "duty is to remove any obstacles to this transition, and absolutely no one or anything will disrupt this process."
In addition, one of the most important things to get the Voltaire Age running is the approval of the budget and charter. Despite the urgency of the situation, a person familiar with the matter has accused the Cardano Foundation of delaying the approval process. However, Hoskinson said that both plans must be approved next year.
He said he will oversee the achievement of this goal, "regardless of the personal, financial or professional consequences." He is optimistic that the community will soon be able to truly decide the future of Cardano, and in the end these sacrifices will be worth it.