If you jump straight to this guide, head back to Part 1 for info on Aptos’s wallet and name service provider. Part 1:
NFT Marketplace
1. Topaz - https://www.topaz.so/
Twitter - @TopazMarket
Visit https://www.topaz.so/ and connect your wallet. Martian Wallet is used for this app.
2. Approve the transaction.
3. Select “Aptos Names” or any other NFT collections with a sales volume. Most of the NFTs listed are not tradable due to constraints in Devnet.
4. Select the cheapest NFT.
5. Click “Buy Now”. In my case, I bought this domain name that cost 2 million Aptos, which means I clicked the “Airdrop” button in Martian Wallet for a hundred times.
6. Approve the transaction.
7. You may view your NFTs under the “Profile” page.
8. Select any of the NFTs you wish to sell.
9. Click “List Item”.
10. Key in the selling price and click “List Now”.
11. Approve the transaction.
12. Successful listed!
13. You may also participate in this Twitter event by clicking “Trooper Training”, if interested.
14. Souffl3 - https://souffl3.com/
Twitter - @nft_souffl3
Visit https://souffl3.com/ and connect your wallet. Martian Wallet is used for this app.
15. Click the present icon and select “Mint Souffl3 DevNFT 2” to mint free NFT. You can mint up to 5. You may also participate in the whitelist event if interested.
16. Approve the transaction.
17. How to check all these NFTs you have bought or minted? Open your Martian Wallet and click the second tab. All your NFTs are here!
DeFi Protocol
1. Liquidswap - https://liquidswap.com/
Twitter - @PontemNetwork
Visit https://liquidswap.com/ and connect your wallet. Pontem Wallet is used for this app.
2. Click “Request Token” to get test BTC and USDT. Bear in mind these are not the real cryptocurrency and only living on the Devnet.
3. Click “Request BTC”.
4. Click “Send Transaction”.
5. Approve the transaction. Repeat Step 3 to request test USDT.
6. Click “Pools” to add liquidity to the DeFi pool.
7. Key in the amount as follow and click “Add Liquidity”.
8. Approve the transaction.
9. In my case, the app didn’t prompt the transaction is successful but the test USDT has been deducted. I noticed the Pontem Wallet has received the Liquidity Provider (LP) token but it only shows under the “Create Pool” tab. I believe a lot of functionalities are still in development.
10. Vial - https://www.vial.fi/app
Twitter - @vialprotocol
Visit https://www.vial.fi/app and connect your wallet. Martian Wallet is used for this app.
11. Click “Faucet” to receive test token.
12. Click “Mint 100” and approve the transaction.
13. Click the bitcoin icon on the supply side.
14. Deposit any amount and approve the transaction.
15. The amount of bitcoin that you supplied will be shown on the app. You may click the bitcoin icon to check your wallet’s bitcoin balance.
All the apps in this guide are still in their very early stage of development, especially the DeFi protocols. You may notice most of them are lacking certain functionality. On the other hand, the NFT marketplace seems quite promising. You can be one of the contributors by providing your feedback and suggestion to the developers. It is one of the many ways to get involved in building the Aptos blockchain, who knows there might be rewards ahead.
Written by: [Coinlive] Nell