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Ecosystem: Arbitrum
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- CommonCross-functional governance and community management platform
- Composable FinanceThe interoperable infrastructure for Modular DeFi
- CompoundDecentralized lending platform
- CompounderEarn compound interest on UniswapV3
- ConcentricLiquidity management strategies protocol
- ConnextCross-chain communication protocol
- ContangoDecentralized Exchange
- Contrast FinanceBinary options exchangeIn progress
- CookbookThe one stop shop for all solidity contracts
- Cookie3MarketingFi platforms
- Copin AnalyzerAnalyze and copy on-chain traders
- Counter FireMultiplayer Battle Royale gameIn progress
- CovalentDecentralized data infrastructure
- Cozy FinanceDeFi Risk Management Protocol
- CradlesPrehistoric metaverse game
- Cream FinanceDecentralized lending-borrowing protocol
- CrescentSwapHybrid DeFi investment suite
- CrossifyCross-chain payment gateway
- Cryptex FinanceEthereum-based DeFi protocol
- Crypto Unicorns / Laguna GamesUnicorn pet-collecting and farming game
- Crypto Volatility IndexDecentralized VIX for crypto