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Alex Thorn
Head Of Research of Galaxy
Alex Thorn is Head of Research at Galaxy Digital. He was formerly an Investor at Avon Ventures, where he invested in digital assets and bitcoin/crypto/blockchain companies, and a Director of Blockchain Research at Fidelity Investments. At Avon Ventures, he was responsible for investing in early stage ventures working on bitcoin, cryptoassets, and blockchain technology, as the venture fund is affiliated with FMR LLC, the parent company of Fidelity Investments. At Fidelity, he conducted and produced research on bitcoin, cryptoassets, digital assets, and blockchain technology at the Fidelity Center for Applied Technology and Fidelity Labs. He also represented Fidelity Institutional to state and federal regulators, investigated and responded to inquiries and examinations made by regulatory agencies, liaised with the Legal Department on complex litigation and regulatory matters resulting from regulatory scrutiny or inquiries, innovated technology and systems solutions for the compliance team to create more efficient business processes, workflows, and strategies, and consulted on emerging technology issues, including cryptocurrencies, digital assets, and cyber security. Additionally, he managed the document review process for Fidelity Legal, consulted with in-house counsel and management on discovery processes, innovated procedures and created efficiencies to improve quality, managed vendor relationships for data processing and hosting, oversaw or directly managed hundreds of cases affecting all Fidelity business units, acted as a project manager communicating clearly with in-house and outside attorneys, business partners, and management, and coordinated projects to successful outcomes. He also advised enterprise infrastructure and business units regarding the use of new media, data sources, and communications tools in a regulated environment, promoted Fidelity's positions on retention, legal discovery, and social media at conferences and to external parties and industry groups, performed interviews in support of litigation and ensured accuracy and integrity of data collected, collaborated with design teams to develop business processes and software necessary to create a centralized litigation research team, acted as a gatekeeper responsible for extracting information from legal documents served on Fidelity and identifying specific allegations and potential business issues, conducted research to identify and collect evidence for litigation and regulatory investigations, researched and managed evidentiary case files for over 200 legal investigations, and trained 5 new hires before leaving this role.