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Miguel de Vega

Cofounder and Chief Scientific Officer of Nillion

Miguel de Vega is the Cofounder and Chief Scientific Officer at Nillion. He has been innovating blockchain and distributed technologies, cryptography and deep learning since 2008. He has filed more than 30 patents in his career, with 7 of those patents still being used to optimize the flow of information on high-volume fiber optic cables today (such as the Trans-Atlantic Cable). He has created mathematical models for various types of networks, including mobile, wireless, ad-hoc, satellite and optical fiber networks for large IT companies, designed domain-specific languages for some of the largest banks in the world, and machine learning algorithms and cryptographic protocols for several startups. Miguel holds a PhD in Mathematics from the Université Libre de Bruxelles, as well as a Masters in Engineering from the Madrid Polytechnic University where he graduated with two majors.

Career Overview