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  • Layer1
  • Infra
Established Year
Chinese Mainland
Operating Status
Wanchain is a public blockchain that supports the development of smart contracts using Solidity. It also supports ring signature-based private transactions and decentralized cross-chain functionality. Wanchain drives blockchain adoption through cross-chain interoperability by creating fully decentralized direct bridges that link multiple siloed blockchain networks. This cross-chain infrastructure enables developers to build truly decentralized cross-chain applications to power the future of DeFi.



Financial Portfolio


0 Investors
$35 M

    Frequently Asked Questions

    What Is Wanchain (WAN)?

    Wanchain is a distributed ledger that allows for cross-chain transactions and the interoperability of multiple chains. Although Wanchain facilitates transactions between blockchains, it is also a stand-alone blockchain that runs autonomously. The protocol acts as a [distributed ledger](https://coinmarketcap.com/alexandria/article/what-is-distributed-ledger-technology-dlt) that processes and maintains records of cross-chain transactions. Transactions on Wanchain do not only occur between different public blockchains but between private chains as well. As an Ethereum ([ETH](https://www.coinlive.com/coin/ethereum)) fork, Wanchain enjoys some of the properties of the Ethereum blockchain. The protocol securely and autonomously processes applications via smart contracts. The use cases for Wanchain include decentralized exchanges ([DEXs](https://coinmarketcap.com/alexandria/glossary/decentralized-exchange-dex)), lending and borrowing platforms, stablecoins, crowdfunding, multi-currency payments and settlements. The platform is totally decentralized and requires no custodian party to manage or confirm transactions. Unlike other cross-chain systems, Wanchain does not rely on a third-party platform to authenticate transactions. The locked account mechanism is used to secure and manage accounts on the network, eliminating third-party interferences.