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关于 FIA

FIA 是一个具有简洁区块链的 Metaverse 协议。目前的加密货币(如比特币和以太坊)存储了数百 GB 的数据,随着时间的推移,它们的区块链只会越来越大。但对于 Fia,无论使用量如何增长,区块链的大小始终保持不变--约 22kb(一张图片的大小)。这意味着参与者可以快速同步和验证网络。我们正在构建一个元宇宙区块链基础设施,能够在任何设备上运行,并通过互联网连接一切。通过实现零知识证明的基本概念,Fia Protocol 正在创建有史以来最好的元宇宙区块链。

FIA Protocol (FIA) 是一种加密货币,于2021推出。 FIA 的当前供应量为 500.00M,其中 0 正在流通。 FIA 的最新已知价格为 0.000038851383 USD,过去 24 小时内的价格为 -0.000000013464。目前在 个活跃市场上进行交易,过去 24 小时内的交易量为 $0。更多信息可以在https://fiaprotocol.com/找到。


24h 交易量
24小时最低 / 24小时最高
$0 / $0
交易量 / 市值
7天最低 / 7天最高
$0 / $0
更新于 9月 20, 2024 2:36 下午
FIA Protocol
市值 $0
US Court Reviews CFTC's Stance On Political Betting Markets
US Court Reviews CFTC's Stance On Political Betting Markets
According to Cointelegraph, United States appellate court judges have scrutinized the arguments presented by the Commodity Futures Trading Commission (CFTC) and betting platform Kalshi during a hearing on the legality of political betting markets. The hearing, held on September 19 at the DC Circuit Court of Appeals, focused on whether to uphold a lower court ruling that permitted Kalshi to launch election-related betting markets. During the session, CFTC general counsel Rob Schwartz and Kalshi’s counsel, Jones Day partner Yaakov Roth, presented their cases. The three-judge panel frequently interrupted to seek clarifications and definitions, particularly on why the CFTC differentiates election betting from other types of betting and its interpretation of the phrase “the contest of others,” which the agency uses to define gaming. A significant portion of the hearing revolved around the CFTC's concerns about election betting and its potential impact. Schwartz argued that a recent DC district court decision, which allowed Kalshi to list election-related bets, was fundamentally flawed. He warned that if the decision were implemented, it would enable high-stakes betting on the upcoming Congressional elections in November. Judge Jia Cobb had previously ruled that the CFTC had overstepped its authority in halting Kalshi’s US election betting markets, prompting the agency to appeal. The CFTC contended that gambling on US elections could disrupt markets and threaten election integrity. Schwartz emphasized the potential harm to the public, especially at a time when many Americans believe that democracy is under threat. On the other hand, Kalshi’s lawyer Roth argued that regulating the betting platform would mitigate the risk of market manipulation. He pointed out that currently, unregulated markets allow foreign traders to participate without surveillance or transparency. The judges also questioned Kalshi’s safeguards to prevent foreign government interference and sought clarity on the definitions of gaming and gambling. Roth maintained that regulatory provisions would apply to Kalshi’s products, ensuring transparency and oversight. With the US elections just 45 days away, the judges are expected to make a swift decision on the matter, which could have significant implications for the future of political betting markets in the United States.
9月 20, 2024 2:34 下午
Eclipse To Launch Ethereum Layer 2 Mainnet In October
Eclipse To Launch Ethereum Layer 2 Mainnet In October
According to Cointelegraph, Eclipse, the first Ethereum layer 2 utilizing the Solana Virtual Machine for transaction execution, is set to launch its mainnet by the end of October. Vijay Chetty, CEO of Eclipse Labs, disclosed this information during an interview at the Solana Breakpoint conference in Singapore on September 20. Currently, Eclipse is on a developer mainnet, allowing developers and builders access, but without enabling any front ends or user interfaces yet. Eclipse aims to merge the strengths of Ethereum, Solana, and the layer-1 blockchain Celestia, which will be used for data storage, to bring 'Web2 scale to Web3.' Chetty emphasized the vision of combining the best components of each blockchain to avoid their respective limitations. He pointed out that Solana's decentralization constraints and Ethereum's slow transaction throughput have hindered their widespread success. While Ethereum layer 2s offer higher transaction throughput, many blockchains store data off-chain due to costs and other factors. Eclipse's integration of Celestia seeks to address this issue. The Ethereum layer-2 market is highly competitive, with Arbitrum One, Base, and OP Mainnet being the largest solutions, holding $13.7 billion, $6.5 billion, and $6 billion in total value locked, respectively, according to L2BEAT data. To gain traction, Eclipse plans to integrate several existing 'Solana blue chip apps' and develop native applications. Decentralized exchanges Mango and Orca, along with the lending and borrowing platform Solend, are among the Solana apps expected to expand to Eclipse, some of which will be rebranded.
9月 20, 2024 2:14 下午


  • FIA Protocol (FIA)的历史最高价格是多少?

    (FIA)的历史最高价是 0 美元,记录于 1970-01-01,当前币价比最高点下跌了 0%。 (FIA)的历史最高价是 0 美元,当前币价比最高点下跌了 0%。

  • FIA Protocol (FIA)的流通量是多少?

    截至 2024-09-20,当前有 0 FIA 在流通。 FIA 的最大供应量是 500.00M。

  • FIA Protocol (FIA)的市值是多少?

    (FIA)的当前市值为 0。市值是通过将当前 FIA 的供应量乘以其实时市场价格 0.000038851383 计算得出的。

  • FIA Protocol (FIA)的历史最低价是多少?

    (FIA)的历史最低价为 0 ,记录于 1970-01-01,当前币价比最低点上涨了 0%。 (FIA)的历史最低价是 0 美元,当前币价比最低点上涨了 0%。

  • FIA Protocol (FIA) 是一项好的投资吗?

    FIA Protocol (FIA) 的市值为 $0,在 CoinMarketCap 上排名#7443。加密货币市场可能波动很大,因此请务必进行自己的研究 (DYOR) 并评估您的风险承受能力。此外,分析 FIA Protocol (FIA) 价格趋势和模式,以找到购买 FIA 的最佳时机。
