Stripe Now Accepts Solana's $USDC and $USDP Stablecoins
Stripe now accepts Solana's stablecoins, $USDC and $USDP, simplifying crypto payments and enhancing the shopping experience for businesses and customers alike.

Stripe now accepts Solana's stablecoins, $USDC and $USDP, simplifying crypto payments and enhancing the shopping experience for businesses and customers alike.
As Wallet seeks to overcome regulatory hurdles in the UK, its temporary suspension of services highlights the ongoing tension between the crypto industry and global regulators. Telegram’s continued efforts to integrate crypto functionality, however, suggest that the platform remains committed to exploring the potential of digital assets despite these challenges.
其 iOS 和 Chrome 扩展钱包计划于 2023 年 11 月 1 日从市场上下架,但客户在 10 月 1 日之前仍然可以访问他们的钱包。
在一系列推文中,这位亿万富翁表示苹果公司也基本停止了在 Twitter 上投放广告
在近 100 名客户对西半球最大的数字货币交易平台提起诉讼后,Coinbase 陷入困境。
在最近的一份声明中,加密货币巨头 Solana (SOL) 宣布了他们即将推出的项目 Saga android 手机和内置的 Web3 dApp ... 正在其位于欧盟的、完全合规的加密货币托管钱包、交易和支付平台中启动下一阶段,该平台将……
随着实际采用率的增长,比特币的第 2 层扩展解决方案闪电网络的支付量增加了 400% 以上。
每个月有超过 5.5 亿活跃用户在 Telegram 上浏览消息。