Switchboard Unveils Enhanced Oracle Aggregator Network
Switchboard's new Oracle aggregator network enhances data security and customisation, aiming to reduce Oracle attacks.
BerniceSwitchboard's new Oracle aggregator network enhances data security and customisation, aiming to reduce Oracle attacks.
BerniceRedstone,Layer 2,Arweave,预言机,知名机构入局:下一代预言机RedStone有何独特之处 金色财经,RedStone如何为L2提供低成本价格源?
JinseFinanceIn the rapidly evolving world of blockchain technology, RedStone stands out as a pioneering force, transforming how data is integrated and utilized within decentralized applications. With a recent successful funding round, RedStone is well-positioned to lead the future of blockchain oracles.
Wilfredether.fi 与 RedStone Oracles 达成 5 亿美元的数据传输协议。ether.fi 还承诺向 Omni 提供 6 亿美元。这增强了区块链甲骨文的安全性,但 EigenLayer 的开发仍在继续。
Xu LinRedStone Oracles 与 Ether.Fi 达成 5 亿美元的重大交易,增强了其在新兴 AVS 领域的实力。
Catherine社区对 AllianceBlock 团队宣布的空投表示批评。
Beincrypto该交易所表示,其预言机服务将直接惠及 BNB Chain 上运行的约 1,400 个应用程序。
Others没有用户资金受到该漏洞的影响,但 Inverse Finance 欠下了一笔债务,并向攻击者提供赏金以返还被盗资金。