Trump is considering Jamie Dimon for Treasury Secretary, What would that mean?
Trump is considering Jamie Dimon for Treasury Secretary due to his evolving views on Bitcoin and consistent support for blockchain technology.
Xu LinTrump is considering Jamie Dimon for Treasury Secretary due to his evolving views on Bitcoin and consistent support for blockchain technology.
Xu Lin斯诺登质疑戴蒙在美国证券交易委员会批准基于现货的 ETF 后对比特币的批评愈演愈烈。曾经无动于衷的戴蒙现在称比特币为 "宠物石头"。包括 Saylor 和 Mow 在内的比特币人士在 Twitter 上做出了回应。戴蒙表达了对中断的担忧和对比特币有限供应的怀疑。
Edmund在人们越来越期待现货比特币 ETF 获得批准的时候,摩根大通首席执行官杰米-戴蒙(Jamie Dimon)却坚持对比特币持批评态度,理由是担心比特币缺乏价值,而且与非法活动有关联。尽管该银行作为授权参与者参与了贝莱德的 ETF,但戴蒙的影响力仍在影响着人们对加密货币的看法。
Cheng Yuan