Slumdog Millionaire: A taxi driver whose life was transformed by bitcoin
Napoleon Osorio, a Salvadoran taxi driver, has used Bitcoin (BTC) to help him create a car rental company and spread awareness of the coin's credentials as a payment tool.

Napoleon Osorio, a Salvadoran taxi driver, has used Bitcoin (BTC) to help him create a car rental company and spread awareness of the coin's credentials as a payment tool.
The FAA has approved Archer Aviation to launch an aerial car rental service in New York City ahead of the 2028 Olympics
上周,活跃的 AXS 地址创下了三个月来的新高,代币价格飙升了 15% 以上。
五名外国游客来到新加坡参加 TOKEN2049 加密货币会议,他们发现自己陷入了一个令人费解的境地,从金沙会展中心到牛车水的 Park Royal Collection Pickering,3 公里的路程被收取了 100 新元的车费。
Sky Mavis 联合创始人兼增长负责人 Jeffrey Zirlin 表示,Axie Infinity 希望在韩国加倍努力,他们认为韩国是世界上最重要的游戏市场之一。
随着新NFT土地质押功能的推出以及Origin战斗游戏模式的不断升级,玩家对Axie Infinity的兴趣似乎再次升温。
Axie Infinity 能否重现昔日的辉煌,作为一种“极端创业”的形式,在加密冬天和不确定的全球经济中一夜成名?