以太坊基金会研究员辞去 EigenLayer 顾问职,聚焦保持中立与推进以太坊主链发展
今年 5 月出任 EigenLayer 顾问的以太坊基金会研究员 Justin Drake 和 Dankrad Feist 于 10 月 2 日宣布辞去顾问职位,原因是为了避免与以太坊产生潜在利益冲突,并维护以太坊基金会的中立性。

今年 5 月出任 EigenLayer 顾问的以太坊基金会研究员 Justin Drake 和 Dankrad Feist 于 10 月 2 日宣布辞去顾问职位,原因是为了避免与以太坊产生潜在利益冲突,并维护以太坊基金会的中立性。
Meta plans to launch an AI tool on Instagram called the ‘adult classifier’ to verify users' ages by analysing their profiles and interactions. If the tool suspects a user is under 18, they will be switched to a more restrictive version of the app, even if they claim to be older.
近期,加密货币交易所币安(Binance)被 Moonrock Capital CEO Simon Dedic 指控,称其向项目方索取高达 15% 的代币作为上币费用。币安联合创始人何一迅速回应,重申上币流程透明,任何项目方即使支付大量代币,仍需通过严格的筛选才能在币安上市。此事引发市场热议,Coinbase 和 Fantom 等平台纷纷表态,激起了中心化交易所(CEX)与去中心化交易所(DEX)上币策略的讨论。
SkyBridge Capital创始人安东尼·斯卡拉穆奇对美国经济风险及比特币潜力持乐观态度,指出了债务、通胀和政策的不确定性。
The crypto industry has invested heavily in the 2024 US election, with companies like Coinbase and a16z donating millions to support pro-crypto candidates. In total, the sector has contributed over $133 million to super PACs backing crypto-friendly policies.
在美国总统大选即将投票之际,加密市场波动加剧,曾破产的加密货币交易所 Mt. Gox 于今晨转移了 32,371 枚比特币,价值约 22 亿美元。此举疑似为向债权人支付赔款的准备,市场担忧可能加剧比特币的抛售压力,进而影响币价走势。
Binance and its former CEO, Changpeng Zhao, are pushing to dismiss the SEC’s amended complaint, arguing that the regulator’s approach to crypto lacks clarity and consistency. Binance claims the SEC's broad interpretation of crypto assets as securities is confusing and unfairly applied.
Bitcoin is outpacing traditional assets like gold due to increasing adoption by individuals and institutions. With political backing and a surge in value, it’s gaining traction as a reliable store of value, alongside stablecoins for everyday transactions.