BlackRock to List iShares Ethereum Trust on Brazil’s B3 Exchange
The ether ETF will trade under the ticker code ETHA39 as a Brazilian depositary receipt, a certificate that represents shares of foreign companies.
DanteThe ether ETF will trade under the ticker code ETHA39 as a Brazilian depositary receipt, a certificate that represents shares of foreign companies.
DanteBlackRock is launching the iShares Ethereum Trust (ETHA39) on Brazil’s B3 Exchange, waiving the management fee for the first year to attract investors, following the success of its Bitcoin ETF.
EdmundB3由 NPC Labs 开发,是一个基于 Base 构建的L3区块链的水平生态系统,专注于加密游戏。
JinseFinance阿斯利康公司(AstraZeneca)与人工智能公司 Absci 合作,以 2.47 亿美元的开创性投资开发先进的抗癌抗体,这标志着人工智能与医疗研究的结合取得了重大进展。
YouQuan虽然元宇宙平台 Decentraland 和 The Sandbox 的日活跃用户均低于 1,000,但它们的估值均超过 10 亿美元。
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BitcoinistB2Broker 很高兴发布最新消息,我们现在提供新的和改进的年度付款计划......
Bitcoinist首席财务官 André Milanez 表示,该产品将在未来 5 个月内推出。