China refuses to sign "Blueprint for action" at REAIM as enemies close in on China
On September 10, China officially denied signing the blueprint for action presented during the REAIM summit.

On September 10, China officially denied signing the blueprint for action presented during the REAIM summit.
The dominance of the Dollar might just crash following the rise of the Chinese Yuan, officially known as the renmingbi (人民币).
In recent months, the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) has taken steps to try to stabilize the financial markets, but these efforts may have inadvertently worsened the situation.
估计目前约有 2-3 百万的中国 Web2 从业者已具备在 Web3 创业的认知和潜力,并会在未来三年内下场 Web3 创业。
短短几天内,ZKFair 的总锁定价值(TVL)已达到 1.2 亿美元,目前稳定在 8000 万美元,使其成为增长最快的 Rollup 之一。这条没有融资、没有
ShapeShift 已就美国证券交易委员会(SEC)对其过去作为未注册加密货币证券交易商的业务提出的指控达成和解。和解协议包括 27.5 万美元的罚款。该公司已同意今后遵守证券法规。
通过 Lens Protocol 向 Lens V2 主网的迁移,探索去中心化社交网络的未来。速度加倍,可扩展性增强,强大的平台将重新定义连接性和用户赋权。
OpenAI 面临危机,95% 的员工考虑集体辞职,许多人希望转投微软,这给该组织的未来带来了不确定性。