
Telegram game Tomarket has lifted some airdrop bans on players previously accused of cheating, but key details remain unclear, such as the number of reinstated players, token listing date, and total supply. Could more adjustments be on the horizon?
The lawyer claims winners were chosen for their stories, not randomly, making this an unregistered lottery. It's unclear if Musk or America Pac members might face jail if charges proceed.
OpenSea is planning a major relaunch in December 2024 to reclaim its position in the NFT market after facing stiff competition from rivals like Blur.
Gemini has launched an ad campaign emphasizing crypto's significance in the US election, with both Donald Trump and Kamala Harris discussing digital asset policies. This initiative reflects the increasing importance of crypto in political discourse and its potential electoral impact.
OpenAI is exploring a shift from a non-profit to a for-profit model, seeking guidance from California's attorney general on restructuring while maintaining its ethical commitments.
Meta will share its open-source AI with the US and allies to maintain a “technological edge” over China. In partnership with tech giants like Microsoft and Amazon, Meta aims to strengthen national security and global tech resilience.
在台湾金融科技协会(TFTA)主办的FinTechOn 2024论坛上,立委葛如钧与多位区块链行业领袖共同探讨台湾虚拟资产服务提供商(VASP)在自律方面的可能路径。自律的优势与风险成了业界和政府的关注焦点。
The Global Dollar Network, backed by major fintech and crypto firms, has introduced USDG, a new stablecoin tied to the US dollar to promote stablecoin adoption globally. Issued by Paxos from Singapore, USDG aims to meet regulatory standards and encourage use in real-world transactions.