
在美联储降息的背景下,全球市场资金流动性争夺战已经打响。HashKey Group首席分析师Jeffrey Ding表示,比特币有望冲击70,000至72,000美元的阻力区间,突破前高指日可待,或将开启新一轮上涨行情。
It is incredible that this may be the first time that people hope that the National Day holiday will pass quickly. The arrival of the National Day holiday has pressed the "pause button" on the recent rising market, and investors are eager to see the A-share market closed.
It's quite incredible. This may be the first time that people hope that the National Day will pass quickly. The arrival of the National Day holiday has pressed the "pause button" on the recent rising market, and investors are itching to watch the A-share market close.
Blast的第五次分发中将向 Dapps 分发 1000 万黄金积分。这是 6 月 26 日 Blast 空投之前的最后一次黄金积分分发。
维基金融博览会(悉尼 2023 年)定于 11 月 16 日举行,将重点关注监管、外汇、加密货币、Web 3.0、Metaverse、人工智能和 ESG 等关键领域。
在其中一场主题演讲中,来自 Vatee 的 Aragon Han 谈到探索反美元运动兴起的影响。