更多 L2 对以太坊是利空还是利好?
JinseFinanceHamster Kombat introduces new anti-cheating measures to ensure fair play ahead of Season 2 and its token launch. The game ends Season 1 on September 20, with a major airdrop and token release scheduled for September 26, 2024.
ZeZheng美元,加密货币,去美元化对加密货币来说是好还是坏? 金色财经,金砖国家崛起、维持全球储备货币地位等。
JinseFinanceOpenAI has just announced that it would be building a tool that could potentially catch students who are asking ChatGPT to write their assignments. But the company is still deliberating whether they would want to release this tool due to the complexity of this issue
XingChiHamster Kombat 在 72 天内积累了 1.16 亿用户,提供动态仓鼠对战,并即将在 TON 区块链上发布 TGE 代币。
ZeZheng美国参议员提出《防止资助恐怖主义法案》,旨在打击加密货币在资助恐怖主义中的作用,该法案是由 10 月份哈马斯对以色列的袭击引发的。
Hui XinSandbox 首席执行官 Arthur Madrid 告诉他的追随者,他的 Twitter 帐户最近遭到黑客攻击。
The Daily HODL我们对加密货币的全球影响进行分级,以找出它可以做得更好的地方。