1 in 10 Minors Say Their Friends Use AI to Generate Nudes of Other Kids, Survey Finds
A new survey attempts to quantify just how common it is for minors to AI-generate nudes of other minors.

A new survey attempts to quantify just how common it is for minors to AI-generate nudes of other minors.
The 'friend' necklace is a modern, AI-driven take on virtual companionship, offering a unique blend of tech and nostalgia.While innovative, the 'friend' necklace raises significant privacy concerns and might not offer much beyond a superficial emotional connection.
Amber Rose joins celebrities in launching a cryptocurrency token with her $MUVA token. Despite promises of transparency, doubts were cast on her team’s early token sales. The price of $MUVA surged 44,000%.
Snapchat 的影响者卡琳-马乔里(Caryn Marjorie)面临着人工智能聊天机器人 CarynAI 的争议。该聊天机器人声称可以治疗孤独症,其过早推出引起了道德方面的担忧,也引发了人们对虚拟关系的质疑。
来自佐治亚州的医生詹姆斯-万(James Wan)博士最近认罪,承认自己在暗网上利用比特币策划了一起雇凶杀人案。
命运再次交织在一起,SBF 的爱人卡罗琳·埃里森 (Caroline Ellison) 透露了她对 FTX 即将到来的危机的了解,表达了她的不满和不满,并展现了她嫉妒的一面。
被选中的有当地最大的银行 Visa 和 Microsoft。
根据 Andre Cronje 的说法,区块链和人工智能具有不同的基本原理,并且很难集成到一个系统中。
臭名昭著的比特币支持者 John McAfee 可能躲在某个地下住宅或一个僻静的岛屿中,远离公众......