LootBot announced the launch of its V2 version on the X platform. LootBot V2 adds four major new features, including an airdrop automated terminal, an over-the-counter (OTC) portal, an on-chain automated trading terminal, and AI-driven analysis tools.
1. The OTC trading portal will open next week, and users will be able to trade airdrop allocations before listing, or trade any token on the OTC portal. The portal is designed specifically for airdrop tokens. Users who were unable to participate in the airdrop can purchase quotas from more fortunate wallets, and sellers can realize profits even before the token is listed for trading.
2. The fully automatic on-chain trading terminal launched by LootBot provides real-time market data, trend insights, and uses AI analysis to enhance transaction security, such as preventing fraud.
3.LootBot is working closely with leading AI solution partners to make LootBot more intelligent and provide users with an intuitive operating experience.
4. Starting next week, the above new functions will be launched one after another.