继Uniswap之后,又一个老牌行业基础设施应用ENS(Ethereum Name Service)也将发布自己的Layer2—Namechain。
JinseFinance继Uniswap之后,又一个老牌行业基础设施应用ENS(Ethereum Name Service)也将发布自己的Layer2—Namechain。
JinseFinanceHumanity Protocol has secured support from crypto venture capital, accelerating the development of its privacy-centric Web3 identity solution. The company plans to use the funds for technology development and adoption, including launching a testnet to provide global users with a direct experience of the technology.
Cheng Yuan金色财经推出加密货币和区块链行业早报《金色早8点》第2244期,为您提供最新、最快的数字货币和区块链行业新闻。
JinseFinanceThose staking for a 4-year period with over 100,000 ZKF can mint a domain of any length for 1 USDC.
AlexCardano Foundation has introduced a new offering known as the Identity Wallet, a W3C-compatible mobile wallet that manages self-sovereign identities across Cardano and other blockchain networks.
OlivePara ahli melihat manfaat untuk berbagai industri dan potensi penghematan biaya dalam operasi bisnis.
BeincryptoUntuk menciptakan sistem keuangan terbuka bagi dunia, kita perlu membuat web3 dapat diakses oleh semua orang.