Changpeng Zhao’s sentencing on April 30: What are the influencing factors?
CZ (former CEO of Binance) faced punishment on April 30. The difference between the case and SBF’s case is that CZ actively cooperated with the US authorities.

CZ (former CEO of Binance) faced punishment on April 30. The difference between the case and SBF’s case is that CZ actively cooperated with the US authorities.
FTX 申请破产 500 多天后,世界很快就会知道前首席执行官萨姆·班克曼·弗里德 (Sam Bankman-Fried) 是否仍将在监狱中度过数十年,还是获得了轻判。
Bitsonic executives were sentenced for stealing $7.5 million, highlighting the need for stricter crypto market regulation and investor vigilance.
本文将探讨 SBF的判决对行业内其他关键人物的潜在影响,揭示加密货币领导层不断变化的格局。
Perdebatan seputar proposal perbaikan keystone Arbitrum yang gagal dan penghapusan berikutnya, menyebabkan harga token tata kelola menurun.
Mantan pacar "Cryptoqueen" yang terkenal telah dijatuhi hukuman lima tahun penjara karena pencucian ratusan juta dolar.
Pertukaran utama Afrika Selatan menyambut baik rencana bank sentral untuk mengatur cryptocurrency sebagai aset keuangan.