Telegram Dismisses Download Vulnerability Allegations as Hoax
Disabling automatic media downloads on Telegram Desktop can potentially mitigate the reported vulnerability, although Telegram itself has categorised the threat as likely to be a hoax.

Disabling automatic media downloads on Telegram Desktop can potentially mitigate the reported vulnerability, although Telegram itself has categorised the threat as likely to be a hoax.
Abu Dhabi-based Phoenix Group is set to acquire $187 million worth of new Bitcoin mining rigs from Bitmain Technologies, following a $380 million deal with WhatsMiner. The move aims to significantly boost Phoenix's Bitcoin hashing power, positioning the company as a major global crypto miner. The strategic expansion aligns with the recent approval of a Bitcoin exchange-traded fund (ETF) by the SEC, anticipating potential industry growth. Despite competition and profitability challenges in Bitcoin mining, Phoenix Group's aggressive approach underscores its commitment to staying competitive in the evolving sector.
While ViGPT marks Vietnam's stride towards AI independence, it remains to be seen how these localized models will influence the global AI landscape. The collaborative efforts between private entities and the government signal a promising future for Vietnam's tech industry. However, challenges may arise in achieving widespread adoption and overcoming linguistic barriers on the international stage.
Bitmain telah mengambil langkah untuk menangguhkan gaji karyawan, baik yang berbasis kinerja maupun gaji pokok, sebagai tanggapan atas kesulitan keuangan yang sedang berlangsung dan kemunduran dalam operasi penambangannya.
Otoritas pajak menghukum Bitmain pada 4 April karena tidak membayar pajak penghasilan pribadi berdasarkan undang-undang pemungutan dan administrasi pajak China.
Dalam serangkaian tweet, miliarder itu mengatakan Apple juga sebagian besar menghentikan iklan di Twitter
Unduhan porno selalu membawa semacam bahaya atau, dalam kasus mantan dana lindung nilai terkenal ini ...
Industri tradisional saat ini sedang menghadapi ultimatum—menerima teknologi baru atau menyerah pada metode lama. Sejak 2008, teknologi blockchain telah ... meluncurkan tahap berikutnya dalam platform dompet, pertukaran, dan pembayaran kripto yang berbasis di Uni Eropa dan sepenuhnya patuh yang akan ...
Solusi penskalaan layer-2 Bitcoin, Lightning Network, telah melihat peningkatan volume pembayaran lebih dari 400% seiring pertumbuhan adopsi nyata.