Gabung/ Daftar
Anna George
Co-Founder and CEO of CoW Protocol
Anna George is the Co-Founder and CEO of CowSwap. She is also the BD at Gnosis and Regional Manager for the Asia Pacific region. Previously, she was a Data Analyst at the United Nations. She is passionate about innovation and blockchain for social impact.
Career Overview
- Anna Sorokin Menganggap Tur Permintaan Maaf Media SBF Adalah 'Sampah yang Tidak Tulus'
- George Soros Invests in MicroStrategy: $135 Million Allocation
- Masa depan industri game web3 bukanlah seperti yang Anda pikirkan (1/4)
- Coinbase Enlists Former UK Chancellor George Osborne Amid SEC Scrutiny
- [Coinlive Talk] Memikirkan Kembali Metaverse: Pengalaman yang Tak Tertandingi
- The Path Towards a User-Owned Internet