Gabung/ Daftar
Chris Russell
Business Development Lead of Interlay
Chris Russell is the head of business development at Distributed Crafts. He graduated from the University of Nottingham in England.
Career Overview
- HashKey Capital Collaborates with FTSE Russell to Launch Three Crypto Indices
- Mantan Karyawan JP Morgan dan Deutsche Bank Dituntut Dengan Penipuan Kripto
- T&J: Seperti apa masa depan Web3 sebenarnya?
- Itu 'Sir' Crypto Dad: ksatria pesanan Prancis mantan ketua CFTC Chris Giancarlo
- a16z Partner Chris Dixon: Tokens, Computers and Casinos
- mitra umum a16z Chris Dixon menduduki puncak daftar "Kapitalis Ventura Terbaik" versi Forbes