Gabung/ Daftar
Ryan Zurrer
Founder, Director of Dialectic
Ryan Zurrer is founder and Director of Dialectic AG and previously worked at the Web3 Foundation and Polychain. He graduated from the Ivey School of Business at the University of Western Ontario in Canada.
Career Overview
- U.S. Prosecutors Seek Lengthy Prison Term for Former FTX Executive Ryan Salame
- Australian Securities Exchange mengambil langkah menuju perdagangan aset tokenized
- Afiliasi FTX Alameda Meminjamkan $4,1 Miliar ke Pihak Terkait – Termasuk $1 Miliar ke SBF
- Former FTX Executive Ryan Salame Seeks Delayed Prison Date After Dog Attack
- Apa Arti Penggabungan untuk Ethereum
- Coinbase: The Current State of Smart Account Wallets