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- CeFi
설립 연도 2011 | 본사 Britain |
운영 상태 활성 |
Bitstamp is a global crypto exchange providing a safe and reliable platform where anyone can exchange traditional currencies for a range of the world's leading cryptocurrencies. Since 2011, Bitstamp has earned the trust of over four million individuals and financial institutions.
재무 포트폴리오
Thalex | Series A | $7.5 M | ||
Figment | Series C | $110 M | ||
Path | Series A | $35 M |
크립토 홀딩스
현재 보유 수
총 가치
$ 105.66 M
마지막 활동
705.6684 ETH
토큰 보유 | 현재 가격 | 총 보류 | 총 가치 |
$0.000027830307 0.00% | 113488976933.6717 | $ 3.16 M | |
$0.000023808328 0.00% | 93744580479.2723 | $ 2.23 M | |
$0.000230886007 0.00% | 396569941.1262 | $ 91.56 K | |
$0.050887427713 0.00% | 111894682.9807 | $ 5.69 M | |
$0.283882096178 0.01% | 2695375.2943 | $ 765.17 K | |
$0.752865370594 0.01% | 2466209.846 | $ 1.86 M | |
$0.339595586031 0.03% | 1870297.5422 | $ 635.14 K | |
$0.204197536271 0.00% | 1828115.4479 | $ 373.30 K | |
$0.112492227903 0.00% | 1564890.6625 | $ 176.04 K | |
$0.610244225192 0.01% | 1295295.0141 | $ 790.45 K |