The fastest ZK Rollup on Bitcoin
Yona is a SVM-powered layer 2 (rollup) on Bitcoin.

Yona is a SVM-powered layer 2 (rollup) on Bitcoin.
The second-layer extension of Ethereum based on zero-knowledge proof (ZK-Rollup) has always been a highly anticipated faction in the Ethereum ecosystem. In theory, it can solve the problems of efficiency and security in a relatively balanced way.
Modularity and zero-knowledge proof are two major trends driving the development of blockchain technology.
Live Nation (LYV) Faces DoJ Lawsuit: Allegations of antitrust violations prompt sharp premarket decline. Settlement expected with financial penalties and operational changes. Industry impact and broader antitrust implications.
Not only in the field of cryptocurrency, but also in other traditional fields, there are countless cases of deceiving investors through accounting fraud.
Protocol designers work with markets and code, but often overlook the crucial institutional functions played by social norms and laws themselves. The lack of these regulatory functions greatly limits the forms of prosocial behavior that can be fostered or enforced.
ZK-rollups have gained traction on Ethereum. Can the technology also be applied to Bitcoin?
The Google trends data for the popular search terms in 15 countries showed that “Ethereum” searches outscored "Bitcoin" in 14 of them.
Kazakhstan's government has shut down the internet after the cabinet resigned amid mass anti-government protests.