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  • DEX
  • DeFi
Operating Status
EthereumPolygonAvalancheArbitrumGnosis ChainPolygon zkEVMBaseMonad
Balancer is a DeFi automated market making protocol that uses novel, self-balancing weighted pools. The protocol enables anyone to create a pool of assets with predefined weights. Balancer aims to be a platform for DAOs and other protocols to build tools that offer useful liquidity to their end users and products.



Financial Portfolio


Crypto Holdings

Current Holdings Count
Total Value
$ 5.02 M
Last Activity
Holding Token
Current Price
Total Held
Total Value
2307979.0195$ 3.54 M
2031066.3101$ 741.71 K
432297.8658$ 663.65 K
20100.1026$ 7.35 K
32.5207$ 66.68 K

Frequently Asked Questions

What Is Balancer (BAL)?

Balancer is an automated market maker ([AMM](https://coinmarketcap.com/alexandria/glossary/automated-market-maker-amm)) that was developed on the Ethereum blockchain and launched in March 2020. It was able to raise a $3M seed round by Placeholder and Accomplice. [Balancer protocol](https://coinmarketcap.com/alexandria/article/what-is-balancer) functions as a self-balancing weighted portfolio, price sensor and liquidity provider. It allows users to earn profits through its recently introduced token ($BAL) by contributing to customizable liquidity pools. To learn more about this project, check out our deep dive of [Balancer](https://coinmarketcap.com/alexandria/article/what-is-balancer. The protocol operates a few types of pools: * Private pools give the owner governance over the pool, and make the person the sole contributor of liquidity to the pool. Also, all the parameters are mutable by the owner. * Shared pools are for those who want to become [liquidity providers](https://coinmarketcap.com/alexandria/glossary/liquidity-provider) (LPs). The LPs are rewarded with the Balancer Pool Tokens (BPTs). * Smart pools are similar to private pools but are controlled by a smart contract. They also reward using BPTs and allow anyone to contribute liquidity to the pool.