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- CeFi
설립 연도 2018 | 본사 Singapore |
운영 상태 활성 |
Paradigm is a liquidity network for crypto derivatives traders across CeFi and DeFi. It provides traders with unified access to multi-asset, multi-protocol liquidity on demand without compromising on price, size, cost and immediacy. The firm's mission is to create a platform where traders can trade anything, with anyone and settle it anywhere. Paradigm has the largest network of institutional counterparties in crypto, with over 1,000 institutional clients trading over $10B per month. These include Hedge Funds, OTC Desks, Lenders, Structured Product Issuers, Market Makers, and prominent Family Offices.
재무 포트폴리오
TaxBit | Series A | 리드 투자자 $100 M |