1 According to data disclosed by Lars, an analyst at TheBlock, the open interest of Bitcoin futures increased by 42.2% in November, and the open interest of Ethereum futures increased by 72.7%; in terms of futures trading volume, the trading volume of Bitcoin futures increased by 69.2% in November, reaching US$2.1 trillion, and the trading volume of Ethereum futures increased by 92.8%. The open interest of Bitcoin futures at CME increased by 61.4% to US$20.1 billion (reaching a record high), and the daily average volume increased by 86.9% to about US$9.8 billion; the average monthly trading volume of Ethereum futures increased to US$940 billion, an increase of 92.8%.
In terms of cryptocurrency options, the open interest of Bitcoin options increased by 53.2% in November, and the open interest of Ethereum options increased by 84.2. In addition, in terms of Bitcoin and Ethereum options trading volume, Bitcoin monthly options trading volume reached US$110.9 billion, up 105.3%; Ethereum options trading volume was US$21.9 billion, up 115.5%.